By the time Nick got home from work I was tired and done forcing myself to be busy. I laid on the couch for the evening, watching tv until bedtime. I went to bed and didn't feel like this baby was ever going to come. I woke up startled at 1:30am. My water broke! Yes! I was so excited. All nerves gone, just relief and happy thoughts that there was no more waiting and that this baby was coming. With Kenzie and Benson my water just sort of leaked and I was unsure if it had really broke. Not with this one. There was gushing amounts of water. I changed my pants, grabbed a towel, told Nick to hurry up because this baby was coming, woke my mom up to say bye, and headed out the door cheering myself on. You got this! You are going to push a baby out tonight! Woohoo!
The drive to the hospital was perfect because it was 2am in the morning. There was no traffic and we made it to the hospital in no time. We got checked in and I sat in a wheel chair so I wouldn't continue leaking water everywhere. I was in no pain at all and just so excited we made it to the hospital and would soon see our baby. By the time we got checked in, got my iv in (which they had to do twice...ugh), and answered all the fun questions you want to answer when you're about to have a baby, my contractions started and they went from zero to pretty intense fast. I said right away, when can I get my epidural. They said anytime, so I said right now please. It took longer than I would have liked, but I finally got it. All the while I was breathing through some deep contractions and told everyone to be quiet and to not move when they came. I was maybe in pain for about an hour until the epidural kicked in.
At first it wasn't working on my right, lower side. I pushed the beloved epidural button that gives you more medicine about a bajillion times until it maxed out and wouldn't give me anymore. Then it worked great! It was the first epidural I've had where I could still move my legs and sort of feel my contractions, but it didn't hurt it just felt like a lot of pressure. It was awesome.
After I got my epidural things happened fast. I got checked and was already at a 5. I got my epidural at 3:30am and she was born at 5:18! I was starting to feel pretty nauseous and light headed right after getting the epidural. The nurse said that probably meant that the baby was coming down fast. I threw up and felt much better and asked for some oxygen. I love the oxygen mask. It helped so much.
Around 4:30 I felt the baby coming and they had me start pushing during contractions. It was the best birth experience yet. I knew how to push better since I wasn't completely numb, and it was as close to a natural birth as I would like to have. While pushing the nurses counted and just praised me for doing such a good job. They were all so awesome and made the whole experience wonderful. I closed my eyes and just focused for the duration of the pushing. I have no idea what was going on around me I was so focused on pushing this baby out. I felt her coming with each push and after about 40 minutes I gave one big push and her head came, then another push and her shoulders and the rest of her came out. The last push I was feeling a white, hot burning and really didn't want to push, but when I did it was the biggest relief.
She was here! They immediately gave her to me and I held her and was so happy. A girl!! I really wanted a girl! I held her tight and counted her toes and fingers and just was so in love. I tore a little bit, but hardly noticed them stitching me up because my baby girl was just to beautiful to think of anything else. They let me hold her for a long time while they cleaned up. Then they weighed her, 7.1 pounds, and measured her, 19.25 inches, and cleaned her up while I was able to get up and walk. They put me in a wheel chair to move rooms and handed my baby back to me.
We moved into our recovery room and I laid in bed and just held my sweet baby. We were left alone for awhile and we ordered a bunch of food for breakfast. Having a baby makes me the hungriest! I was still feeling pretty good because my epidural was still working. Once it wore off I was ready for my pain medications. I just took IB profen this time and I felt so much better then when I had taken the harder pain meds. I do not do well with those. The fun after birth contractions were pretty intense the first couple of days. It felt like little knives in my stomach. So fun. But holding an adorable newborn helped manage the pain.
My favorite part of the whole 9 months of pregnancy is the hospital part. This hospital was my favorite one and the nurses were all awesome. They let us sleep and didn't come in and wake us up and left us alone for the most part. We were able to get some good sleep. I feel like this was my best recovery yet. With Kenzie the recovery was not fun because I didn't know what to expect and she was my first. Then with Benson he was a c-section so that was a long and terrible recovery. With Emery I didn't have the epidural in me for very long and no hard pain meds so I felt awesome. I could walk around and move pretty well the first couple of days and now that it's been one week I'm pretty much feeling 90% better.
You would think that life with three kids would be hard, but I have just been in heaven this past week. Kenzie and Benson adore Emery and we all just feel so in love. I feel like I've finally figured things out by number 3 and I've learned to enjoy the small things. We're in survival mode over here and I've decided I love survival mode because it makes you realize what is really important. Sleep, food, snuggles, being together. Not much else matters. I love my little family.
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