February 3, 2015

New Year Update

In case you didn't know, we moved! Nick got a job in Hillsboro, Oregon and we moved 2 weeks after finding out. I know, we're crazy. And it's been crazy. But it's also all worked out and been wonderful in a very crazy way. His first interview was right after Thanksgiving and their were 4 other people being considered for the city planning position. He was given a second interview a couple of weeks after his first interview and was the only one that had a second interview, so they offered him the job during that interview. The waiting was so hard, but I'm so happy that we were able to find out he got the job and that they wanted him right away! So we packed up and moved two weeks later. 

We've since been in Oregon for about a month and love it, even though things are still a bit hectic. We hadn't seen the house that we were going to rent, but it turned out to be a great find and a great location to Nick's work. I was able to get Kenzie into a preschool close by and she started only after a week of being here. Later, after going to church we found out that there was a girl in her primary class that went to her same preschool as well so she already had a friend on her first day at church. 

We had a big fiasco with the fridge at our new place. The first thing we did after moving in was go grocery shopping, but then later (after we had put all the food in the fridge) we found out that it didn't work. So all our food went bad and it was around the holidays so the management company took forever in sending out someone to look at the fridge and then get us a new one. And then when they delivered the new one, they didn't take the old one away. But then the new one wasn't working, so for 2 weeks I had two broken fridges in my kitchen until they finally got us a working fridge! It was a nightmare. But we got to try some good mexican food in town while we didn't have a fridge, and that was kind of nice. 

And then there was a BIG, HUGE, headache over health insurance and getting me a doctor. I was so panicked, but that all worked out and I'm just waiting for this baby to show up now. And then on top of everything I had a bad cold for two weeks that turned into a sinus infection and was absolutely miserable on top of being miserably 9 months pregnant. I was better for a week, and then the past couple of days it's shown up again. So, so fun. When it rains, it pours right? 

Speaking of rain, it hasn't rained all that much here. The weather has been beautiful and the best part, no snow! We have yet to explore very much, but we have a loooong list of adventures that we are looking forward to once this baby comes and the weather warms up. 

And on a last note, timing is a funny thing isn't it. We had been applying for a job in Oregon for about a year before we actually got this one and didn't really know why. Then in November a family moved into our ward at church and we were starting to get to know them and found out that the husband, Paul, was looking for a planning job. We mentioned jokingly that we were hoping to move to Oregon and if that happened, he could just take Nick's job. Well that did happen! When Nick told his old job that we were moving he put in a good word for Paul and they interviewed him before posting the opening and we just found out that he got the job. It's really neat to realize how our trial turned out to be a blessing for this family. At the time we didn't know why it was taking so long to find a job in Oregon, but now we realize that we had to wait until this family moved in and we got to know them, so they could get a job at Nick's old job. So neat. I love looking back on my life and seeing this scenario play out so many times. I feel like I usually get my prayers answered in just the way I want them to, it just sometimes takes longer than I would like it to take. 

But that's fine with me because we're in Oregon now! And I feel like we can finally settle down, no more wondering where we're going to live. We'll be looking for a house in the next year and I can't wait for that big adventure. We have been so blessed this past year. And I know this upcoming year is going to be just as challenging and rewarding as the last. Bring it on 2015!

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