May 30, 2014

Family Time = Favorite Time

I've been loving these past couple of weeks. Life is good. Me and the kids spent a week in AZ. We swam lots, talked lots, and ate lots. Which is exactly what I love about going to AZ. Nick has been out of town for the past couple of days and I thought it would be difficult, but I've loved spending so much time with my munchkins. They make me so happy. We've been spending as much time as possible outside and the weather has been cooperating nicely. There is still so much to explore and do here in Salt Lake. I'm looking forward to a summer of checking off items on our activity list. But in the meantime, I'm perfectly content on our walks through the cemetery and around the avenues. 

Kenzie quote of the day:
As we were walking through the cemetery, she asked what the graves were. 
So I explained to her, "When you get really, really old you die and get buried in a grave." 
To which she replies, "I want to go there! Because I'm really old." 
A little morbid, but I laughed and said, "Oh no, you're not going there for a loooooong time!"

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